57: Resurrection of the Daleks, or, why do they take themselves so seriously?
Getcher timeless, Doctor Who focused episode of Pex Lives here; so hot off the presses you could heat your morning bread into toast on it. You’ll enjoy this. Kevin and I talk Resurrection of the Daleks.
April 5, 2021 @ 4:13 pm
Just listened to this one and I agree with James, it’s a story that’s always left me cold and a bit queasy in places but I liked Kevin’s description of it as Dr Who if it was written by Animal from the Anti Nowhere League. One year at Rebellion festival in Blackpool I went down for breakfast at my B & B and found the Anti Nowhere League having breakfast. Animal and his son were seemingly going to the Doctor Who exhibition afterwards , so maybe it’s not as unlikely an idea as it seems.
June 15, 2022 @ 12:35 am
very good post, thank you for sharing useful information, keep posting